Join our Reactive Developer Boot Camp, a 5-day onsite course. Learn the essentials of reactive application development using OutSystems, covering data modelling, business logic, UI design, and much more. Gain hands-on experience in the OutSystems Development Environment and be ready to create your own reactive web and mobile applications by the end of the course. Plus, get the chance to take a shot at the Associate Reactive Developer certification for free!
The agenda for the week will look like the following:
Day 1
Intro to the Course
Introduction to OutSystems Apps
Client and Server Logic
Modeling Data
UI Development 101
Aggregates 101
Building List and Detail Screens
Day 2
Data Relationships
Advanced Aggregates
Form Validations
Debugging and Monitoring
Role-based Security
Day 3
Blocks and Events
Client Variables and Site Properties
Screen Lifecycle
Fetching Data on Demand
Pagination and Sorting
Day 4
Final Project
Optional Modules (SQL Queries, Intro to Integration Studio, Intro to Themes and Styles, …)
Day 5
Final Project
Sample Test